Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Summer Solstice

Ahhh... the first day of summer is here, the longest day of the year. While things have been heating up around here weatherwise, the calendar is telling us that it's official, summer has arrived. What does that mean in West Texas? Scorching hot temperatures, water sports, outside activities, long days and short nights. Mosquitos, flies, horse and deer-flies, gnats, no-see-ums, can't-see-ums and ants. This year seems worse for the pests, possibly because of the wet spring we've experienced.

I don't know if that's an official full moon, but she's mighty close. Bet the fish are biting! Taken near Christoval, Texas.

Sure, everything comes back to life during the springtime, but summer is when we get the party started! Everyone seems to emerge and at least spend some time outdoors. Because the heat can be somewhat oppressive here, I recommend a few days of acclimation. Start by finding some shade. Maybe fix up a pitcher of lemonade. If you happen to have some fresh produce to sell, you could make a few extra dollars. We have some neighbors who do just that, they sell corn, tomatoes, lemonade, melons and lopes. The family has been doing it consistently enough that they have a stand out in front of their farm.

Local produce, so fresh you'll throw rocks at the supermarket stuff. Get it while you can.

Kit-tain Update

Kit-tain slowly but surely becomes more a member of the family every day. She's even got Corella to warm up to her a bit. She's a huge hit with the kids around the neighborhood, I think they are enraptured by her diminutive frame. She's so little and cute, they just can't help themselves. Of course, I'm always near by, and when I think Kit-tain's had enough, I make them put her down (what a jerk!).

Here's Corella and Kit-tain, closer than they really like to be...

Here's a shot of the Three Stooges in our house. No doubt which one is Curly!

Dealing with the Heat

How do you deal with 100 degree temps? Easy, if you have low humidity, add some. That's what the local amusement parks do to cool off their guests. Well, if it's good enough for six flags, it's good enough for us!

Some mist action, notice the giant watermelon slice bought from Chicken Jimmy for three bucks...

For my buddies on the banner, here's a shot of Wal-Mart:

That giant wall way in the background: the new Sam's Club under contstruction. Trained observers will notice the butte that's just north of the Twin Buttes in the photo...

Well, I hope everyone's summer is off to a safe and fun start. Our training group is currently being inspected by the 2nd Air Force stan/eval team, so the first day of summer for us has found us a little distracted. If we don't screw it up too bad, we'll be fine until about January, when the AETC Inspector General team comes for a little Operational Readiness Inspection!

Did I tell you I have less than a year left?!?!?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

New Family Member

Meet Maddie

Let me introduce you to Maddie, our new kitten. We adopted Maddie from a friend and neighbor who is an athletic trainer who works for one of the local hospitals. His office is near the Sunset mall, and the Sunset mall has a feral cat problem. He found this little one outside of his office, and he couldn't pass her up. Of course, he's allergic, so we got the call. We'd been considering another kitten lately, so we went and took a look. I had one condition: no males. I'm the Alpha male of the house, I'm not competing with a cat, and I don't want to have my stuff sprayed on and marked like we've experienced in the past.

Maddie, or Kit-tain as I like to call her

Kit-tain meets Hambu. Kit-tain actually became scared at the sight of Hambu. That's pretty wimpy

Here's a contrast shot to show you how small Maddie really is. I think she's 4-6 weeks old, and the vet agrees with me!

Maddie was emaciated when we got her, but she's eating solid food (and correspondingly pooping), so the vet expects her to recover nicely. He suggested that she's probably not had much of a meal since she was weaned. She's a total mush-kitty. She can't pass up a lap to sit in.


We had some rough weather last week, and as usual, you're photo-correspondent was there to document the event. A tornado scraped past Goodfellow AFB and Wall, TX, I went the next day and saw the twisted tin from a barn and the spindled road signs.

I believe I photographed the tornado, have a look:

Whatcha think? Tornado? It fits the path the tornado took. DING DING DING! Sounds like a winner!

Pool Update

The pool is being swimmed in and enjoyed by all. Have a look:

I'm telling you, that's cheap entertainment!

Emily's new friends
Emily is growing every day, and she's met some girls with whom to ride bikes. Emily is very social and likes to make new friends. Of course, they all ended up in the pool!

Cycle gang!

Until the next time!